Thursday, December 10, 2020

How Democracy Dies


Democracy dies when an autocratic demagogue subverts democratic institutions such as the Constitution or the Rule of Law.

Democracy dies when an autocratic leader punishes those who dare to tell the truth and protects those who assist in hiding the truth. 

Democracy dies when the free press, the defender of truth, is called the enemy of the people.  Thomas Jefferson once stated that the free press was essential to a functioning democracy. It is an organic necessity of democracy itself.

Democracy dies when political opponents are labeled human scum and threatened with imprisonment, or worse.

Democracy dies when fear is stoked which leads to the encroachment of extremism into the mainstream of an established political party.

Democracy dies as Nationalism, Racism, and Xenophobia, etc. rise.

Democracy dies when religion and government are intertwined.

Democracy dies when a an autocratic leader appoints friends, associates and family members to government positions and uses governmental power and authority to protect each other from accountability.

Democracy dies when corporate wealth and power are protected and enhanced while labor power is suppressed.  When the rich get richer and the poor get poorer democracy is weakened.

Democracy dies when asylum seeking refugee families, fleeing persecution in their homeland, are turned away or separated, parents from children, and concentration camps are created to house the children.

Democracy dies when the right of people to peacefully protest against injustice is squelched by force and intimidation.

Democracy dies when an autocratic leader lies to the people with such regularity that a large percentage of the people believe the lies, facts become fiction, and,  as Orwell stated it, “war becomes peace, freedom becomes slavery, ignorance becomes strength” in the eyes, hearts and minds of those who follow the leader.

Democracy dies when a large percentage can be lead to believe that free, secure, democratic elections are fraudulent or corrupt.

Democracy dies when a demagogic leader refuses to accept the results of a free, secure election and refuses to abdicate power.

Democracy dies, when in the face of evil, good people become apathetic, stand by, say nothing, do nothing.