Look, I'm no Einstein, so
this might sound a little like the pot calling the kettle black, but I've come
to the conclusion that we have far, far too many really stupid people in
America. Here's an example. According to one poll that I saw yesterday
only 20% of Americans view the Republicans latest attempt at health care
reform, the Graham-Cassidy bill, favorably.
That's just one out of every five Americans (hey, maybe I am
Einstein). No matter how many ways you
look at those figures, you've got to come away with an understanding that the
American people don't much like the Graham-Cassidy bill.
Now, you would think, that
in a Democratic Republic like the United States, where representatives are
elected by the people, for the people, to serve the people, that those folks in
the Senate would have the brains to say, "Hmmm, the people don't much like
this bill, maybe we should come up with something else." But do they?
Heck no, what they do is to
continue to sing the praises of a bill that will take health care coverage away
from millions, including, I'm thinking, most of the 20% who say they like the
bill ( I refer you to my opening statement) and will give huge tax breaks to
the wealthiest people in the country.
You would think that these senators who are pushing the bill forward in
spite of its extremely low approval ratings would understand that forcing
something so unpopular onto the people who don't want it would cost them in the
long run. Wouldn't you think, if you
were them, that doing such a thing might result in lost votes? Like, maybe after the next election they
might be out on the street looking for a real job?
So, who are the stupid ones
here, the people or the Senators in question? The answer is, it's not the Senators. They know exactly what they're doing and it's
not necessarily because they're smart.
It's because they are devious, dishonest, hypocritical and corrupt. (I
have a friend, named Steve, who likes to call them things like selfish, mean
spirited, dick nosed asshats). You see,
they are smart enough, and greedy enough, to know that it's not the will of the
people that they need to have on their side, it's the flow of big money that
comes to them from those same billionaires and corporate entities that expect
to profit so greatly by the passage of the evil legislation.
You see, we are not any
longer truly a Democratic Republic. We
began to lose our grip on that noble form of government back in the 1980's
during the Reagan administration and "Trickle Down" (voodoo) economics. Since then we have become an Oligarchy, a
nation ruled by money, or more accurately, by the people with the money. Republican lawmakers know one simple truth
and it works so well for them......"take care of the guys with the money
and they will take care of you" .
Old man John Q. Public be damned. They know that he can't do them any
good anymore; he's yesterday's news, no longer relevant. Useless to them, and that is why they present
for a vote, such a blatantly evil bill that, if it became law, would do
serious, serious harm to the poor, the sick the disabled and the elderly. Those are the people that the Bible refers to
as "the least of these".
In my opening paragraph I
said that too many Americans are stupid.
Here's why I said that. Whether
the Graham-Cassidy bill ever becomes law or not those twenty percent that support
it, even if they lose their health care coverage because of it, will continue
to vote republican. Another 20 to 30 percent of the eligible voters in this
country (these are people who never liked the bill in the first place and will
be hurt by it just as much as those people in the first 20 percent group) will
vote to return these same law makers into office the next time they are up for
reelection. You see, at least half the
people in the country are getting royally screwed by a corrupt system, one that
they have the power to change with their collective votes, but they never will,
and the beat goes on.
If you knew a guy who
continually shot himself in the foot every time he cocked his rifle and never
realized that it might be a good idea to point the barrel in another direction,
you'd probably call him stupid, wouldn’t you?
I rest my case.
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