Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Government That Cares is Not a Bad Thing

Here's something to think about.....

"....if you really think about it, the institutions that do the most "good works" in our society are not churches or charities; they are our local, state, and federal governments. These governments do an enormous amount to feed the hungry, heal the sick, take care of the old, protect the young, and so on. In fact the good created by these governments far exceeds all the good accomplished by churches and charities in our society. When we think about some of the greatest moral achievements in our history, it is often the American people acting through their government that brought them about. It is government that abolished slavery and ended child labor. It is government that has saved millions of lives through public health programs to eradicate diseases. It is government that has drastically reduced poverty among the elderly. It is the government that is saving us all from the widespread suffering and despair caused by economic depressions.

On any measure, the good works accomplished by government have far eclipsed those of churches and other charities. And this makes sense, because the resources of these private institutions are very limited compared to the resources wielded by government... ." ~ Douglas J. Amy, Professor of Politics at Mount Holyoke College.
So now, instead of the Republicans narrow mindedly saying "cut, cut, cut" and instead of the Democrats narrow mindedly saying "fund, fund, fund"...we need both sides to can their ideological blindness and work together to streamline these programs so that they are more efficiently run, with out the abuses that do currently exist. These, unfortunately are necessary programs. Let's work together to make them better.

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