Approval of Congress is down to 13 percent in January, near its lowest point ever. And although a record-low 17 percent of voters say "most members of Congress deserve reeelection," 46 percent still believe their own member of Congress deserves another term in Washington. How can this be? It’s been said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Are these 46% insane? Maybe, but more likely they are just too narrow mindedly hooked on their partisan ideology to see beyond the end of their noses. People like that only have the capacity to blame the other side. Like a team of horses pulling a wagon, they can only see what their blinders allow them to see and their blinders are their ideologies.
We the people need desperately to send a message to politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that in the future we want a Congress that will work together to get things done. The best way to send this message would be to kick each and every one of the incumbents, who are currently taking up dead space in the House or the Senate, out on their keesters. We could do that in 2016, and we would if only “we the people” were open minded and pragmatic enough to shed ourselves of our ideological blinders and realize that the time has come to do what’s best for all Americans. Party ideologies be damned! We must elect new members, with moderate or centrist views on the issues that currently divide us, who are committed to working pragmatically to get things done. Let’s clean house in both chambers in the next election. Send the incumbent vermin packing!. Think of the message that will send! I’d bet that if that happens the next Congress will be one that will return our system of Democracy to it’s glory days….. as a role model for for the rest of the world.
We the people need desperately to send a message to politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that in the future we want a Congress that will work together to get things done. The best way to send this message would be to kick each and every one of the incumbents, who are currently taking up dead space in the House or the Senate, out on their keesters. We could do that in 2016, and we would if only “we the people” were open minded and pragmatic enough to shed ourselves of our ideological blinders and realize that the time has come to do what’s best for all Americans. Party ideologies be damned! We must elect new members, with moderate or centrist views on the issues that currently divide us, who are committed to working pragmatically to get things done. Let’s clean house in both chambers in the next election. Send the incumbent vermin packing!. Think of the message that will send! I’d bet that if that happens the next Congress will be one that will return our system of Democracy to it’s glory days….. as a role model for for the rest of the world.
I would add this caveat, and that is, as some of you know, I have been promoting the No Labels movement for some time now, and I still have hopes that No Labels is, and will continue to, make a difference. As of now I believe that over 70 members of the House and Senate have become No Labels "Problem Solvers" by joining the movement and pledging their support for the idea of working cooperatively across party lines. You can find the names of these No Labels "Problem Solvers" here: If their name is on the list these lawmakers probably need to be cut some slack, and in most cases probably deserve to be re-elected. Watch them closely over the next two years, however, because there could be a few wolves in sheeps clothing among them.
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